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HelpAge Annual review 2014

  Our annual review 2014 describes how, with our partners and Affiliates, we have helped over 1.5 million older people lead more dignified, active, healthy and secure lives. It includes a poster comparing how older [...]

Typhoon Haiyan one year on: older people key to recovery

This report marks the one-year anniversary of the typhoon that the Philippines on 8 November 2013. It details our joint work with our local partner COSE to support older people to recover from the disaster. [...]

Minimum standard checklist: Including older people in disaster risk management

These guidelines recommend minimum standard checklists to ensure the inclusion of older people in the planning and implementation of disaster preparedness and response activities. Language: English Published: HelpAge International, 2014 Size: 476 KB Download [...]

Disaster resilience in an ageing world

This report gives a comprehensive overview of how older people can be included in disaster preparedness, mitigation and response planning. Language: English Published: HelpAge International, 2014 Size: 1.9 MB Download     [...]

Minimum standards checklist: Including older people in disaster risk management (Thai)

Thai translation of "Minimum standards checklist: Including older people in disaster risk management”. Language: Thai Published: HelpAge International, East Asia/Pacific, 2014 Size: 361 KB   Download    

AgeNews No. 13 (Asia Pacific newsletter)

This edition of AgeNews looks at how to unlock potential in later life, facilitate the contributions of older people and avoid perception of older people as a burden. It also looks at care and at [...]

Community-based care in Lao PDR

This leaflet looks at older people and the risk of NCDs in Laos as well as providing suggestions on how to build up the community-based care that can respond to the older people’s needs and [...]

Promoting the rights of older people in the community in Mae Hong Son province

This paper looks at a volunteer group called the “Older People Watch Group” that aims to promote and protect older people’s rights and entitlements in Mae Hong Son province, Thailand. Language: English Published: HelpAge International, [...]

Advocating for social pensions – Lessons learnt from the Philippines

This paper presents the success of COSE’s advocacy approaches and its grassroots, long-term vision when it comes to helping older people in poverty in the Philippines. It is hoped the key lessons outlined here can be [...]

Regional newsletter

'Connect' newsletter no.8 is now available for download. In this edition of 'Connect' newsletter, we summarised COVID-19 related activities and emergency responses conducted by HelpAge and our network members in Asia Pacific region.
