about the network

The HelpAge network is a unique worldwide alliance standing up for the rights of older people.
111 organisations in 72 countries are affiliated to HelpAge International.

In the East Asia and Pacific region, we have 20 affiliate organisations across 11 countries, along with HelpAge International country offices in Cambodia and Myanmar. Network development in the region has received renewed focus recently as HelpAge implements the regional project Strengthening the civil society network on Ageing in Southeast Asia, funded by the European Union.

Strengthening the civil society network on Ageing in Southeast Asia
This project contributes to the empowerment of civil society organisations in Southeast Asia so this network can better mobilise communities and represent the views of poor and vulnerable older persons effectively through multi-stakeholder dialogue and other mechanisms. The eight target countries include Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.

This project will strengthen Older People’s Associations (OPAs) and OPA Federations and encourage government organisations and civil society to promote the replication of the OPAs/OPA federation model across the region.


EU logo blue

This project is funded by the European Union.