An orientation workshop to induct newly recruited staff and share HelpAge International’s strategy was held in Yangon from 19 to 23 August 2013.
The workshop briefed staff on ageing issues, delivering human rights for older people and the role of family caregivers in supporting older people. It also encompassed best practices in building effective communication channels with older people.
One participant said, “This workshop gives me an opportunity to learn about ageing issues. It’s very new to me and I had a great chance to experience the struggle of older persons in their daily lives.”
The five-day long orientation workshop equipped more than seven newcomers with information on HelpAge International’s standard operating procedures, mission and values.
The participants also examined the best ways to help displaced people and refuges return home as newly recruited staff will join field offices located in the post-conflict area of Kayin State at the end of August 2013.
#Myanmar #HelpAge Myanmar #ageing issues #values #orientation