Thousands of older people will gather for a solidarity walk on 1 of October 2013 tagged as “Walk for Life” to campaign for the full implementation of law RA 9994 and support the call for a UN Convention viagra online generic on older people’s rights.

The Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010 (RA 9994) provides benefits and privileges that includes health care and social pension for indigent older persons in the Philippines. It was signed and enforced early 2010 but majority of the elderly especially in the rural areas has not yet felt the benefit of the law.

The “Walk for Life” is the kick off activity of the Elderly Filipino Week celebrated annually on 1 – 7 October.

Older people who are interested in joining the event may contact the older people’s association in their communities. Policy makers and government officials are invited to express their support and give their stand on the campaign.

For more information contact Fransiskus Kupang, COSE Executive Director,