
Rural-urban gaps in health care utilisation among older Thais: The role of family support

2020-08-05T16:12:34+07:00Tags: , , , |

This study examined rural-urban differences in health visits among Thai older people. The researchers measured preventive health care use based on the question of whether the respondent had a health checkup, not due to illness, in the year preceding [...]

Investing in an ageing world: shifting debates from costs to investments

2017-05-03T09:53:27+07:00Tags: , , , |

Our world is ageing and, in some countries and regions, rapidly. The fact that people now live longer, in better health, and generally in better conditions than ever before is a remarkable success story. But what opportunities and challenges [...]

Changing population ages structures and sustainable development: Ten key findings and recommendations

2018-02-21T11:50:55+07:00Tags: , , |

This paper was prepared by the Population Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs as a contribution to the 50th session of the Commission on Population and Development, 3-7 April 2017, based on the report [...]

Study on accessing healthcare by the older population in Myanmar

2017-03-17T11:35:57+07:00Tags: , , , |

This study analyses the health seeking behaviour and utilisation of healthcare services among older people. Further, it identifies and examines barriers to healthcare access along several dimensions including: availability, geographic accessibility, affordability and acceptability. These dimensions of accessibility are [...]

The Feasibility of a universal social pension in the Philippines

2017-03-10T02:52:56+07:00Tags: , , , , |

Following the first report "The Philippine Social Pension at Four Years: Insights and Recommendations" published last year, this report focuses on the question of whether a universal social pension would be appropriate and feasible in in a country like the [...]