International Conference on Social Protection and ASEM 2016: Achieving Social Security for All in Asia and Europe
5่ July 2016 - 6่ July 2016
Date: 5-6 July 2016
Location: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
The International Conference on Social Protection and ASEM 2016: Achieving Social Security for All in Asia and Europe will be organised during the Asia-Europe People’s Forum (AEPF 11) in Mongolia 2016.
This international conference on social protection aims for the achievement of better social security for all people in Asia and Europe. Experiences from the global coalition for social protection floors and from the Mongolian national dialogue will be shared. Two panels in regional and sectoral case studies will be organised. Ways forward through forming national coalitions, regional networks and progressive alliances for the social protection of all people across Asia and Europe will be discussed.
Download the conference programme.
For more information on the Asia-Europe People’s Forum (AEPF 11), please visit the AEPF website.