
Global Conference of Parliamentarians on Population and Development Toward the 2016 G7 Ise-Shima Summit is the first G7 Summit after the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 193 Member States of the United Nations. The summit, which held in Japan, on 26-27 April 2016, call on the G7 to reaffirm its commitment to human security to achieve freedom from fear and freedom from want, and sustainable development to ensure that all human beings can fulfill their potential in dignity and equality and in a healthy environment.

The participants made the declaration and presented recommendations on the following issues:

  1. Gender Equality, Women’s and Girl’s Empowerment, and Universal Health Coverage (UHC)
  2. Investing in Youth
  3. Building Active and Economically Vibrant Ageing Societies
  4. Infectious Disease Risk Management as a Part of Human Security


Language: English
Published: Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (AFPPD) and Japan Parliamentarians Federation for Population (JPFP), 2016
Size: 173 MB
