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In our own words: What older people say about discrimination and human rights in older age

In Our Own Words is a new report from the Global Alliance for the Rights of Older People (GAROP) in which older people talk about the ageism, discrimination and denial of human rights that they are subjected to [...]

Social protection for older persons: Key policy trends and statistics

This policy paper: (i) provides a global overview of the organization of pension systems, their coverage and benefits, as well as public expenditures on social security, in 178 countries; (ii) analyses trends and recent policies, [...]

Facing the facts: the truth about ageing and development

  Age International's flagship publication 'Facing the facts: the truth about ageing and development' brings together 25 high profile thought leaders, development experts and academics to discuss the impact of an ageing world on international development. [...]

Community-based social care in East and Southeast Asia

This briefing describes how demographic and societal transformations in east and south-east Asia are increasing demand for care of older people while constraining the supply of caregivers, and suggests ways to respond. Language: English Published: [...]

AgeNews No. 14 (Asia Pacific newsletter)

AgeNews Issue 14, December 2014. This issue covers highlights from HelpAge network in 2014, with news and updates from around the region and more. Language: English Published: HelpAge International East Asia/Pacific, December 2014 Size: 1.08 [...]

HelpAge Network Asia/Pacific Regional Conference 2014 report

Following the HelpAge Network Asia/Pacific Regional Conference held in September 2014, this report summarises the discussion on how societies can maximise older people's potential while minimising the challenges associated with population ageing. Language: English Published: [...]

Being Mortal: Ageing, Illness, Medicine and What Matters in the End

For an almost diametrically different view, including specific reference to Asia, read Atul Gawande’s latest book, Being Mortal. Includes the observation of saying that where independent living is possible, many older people may actually rather [...]

The situation of older people in Myanmar: A summary report

This summary offers insights into the demographic trends driving rapid ageing in Myanmar. It is published by HelpAge in collaboration with Myanmar’s Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement with support from UNFPA. Language: English [...]

The situation of older persons in Myanmar

This report offers insights into the demographic trends driving rapid ageing in Myanmar. It is published by HelpAge in collaboration with Myanmar’s Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement with support from UNFPA. Language: English [...]

Dementia in the Asia Pacific Region

The purpose of this document is to promote a greater understanding and awareness of the social and economic impact of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias across the countries of the Asia Pacific region. These impacts will be [...]

Regional newsletter

'Connect' newsletter no.8 is now available for download. In this edition of 'Connect' newsletter, we summarised COVID-19 related activities and emergency responses conducted by HelpAge and our network members in Asia Pacific region.
