

Factsheet Ageing and Elderly in Vietnam

Vietnam is ageing rapidly and will need to consider social, health, and economic challenges in order to age successfully. This factsheet gives a solid overview of the key facts of older people in Vietnam as [...]

East Asia Forum Quarterly: Demographic transition

The end of population growth in the region may be in sight, with declining fertility rates, but past and present growth means the challenges of managing the impact of demographic structure and population ageing. Social [...]

ASEAN Strategic Framework on Social Welfare and Development (2011-2015)

Not all older people are vulnerable, or need social assistance, however societies still have to be geared up to the challenges that this increase in ageing population presents and adapt social and economic policies accordingly. [...]

An Uncertain Age: Reimagining Long-term Care in the 21st Century

This report, developed by the KPMG Global Center of Excellence for Health and Human & Social Services, was commissioned by the Lien Foundation, a Singapore philanthropic organization, to stimulate global dialogue and focus attention on [...]

Aging in Asia: Findings from New and Emerging Data Initiatives

This volume of papers looks at the main topics of ageing to help in the formulation of evidence-based policy address population ageing. Examples come from five nations: India, China, Japan, Thailand, and Indonesia. Language: English [...]

Ageing Monograph- Evidence from the 2010 Census

Population ageing can be a positive development if we are prepared. The monograph explores the social and economic implications of population ageing in Indonesia and outlines a series of policy and research recommendations. It is [...]

Ageing Asia’s Looming Pension Crisis

From the Asian Development Bank’s working paper series, this paper looks at pension systems in eight countries in Asia in order to inform discussion on how to meet the challenges of income security for growing [...]

Active Ageing: A Policy Framework

“Active ageing is the process of optimizing opportunities for health, participation and security in order to enhance quality of life as people age.” This document was prepared by WHO to inform the discussion at the [...]

The Changing Well-being of Thai Elderly- An Update from the 2011 Survey of Older People in Thailand

This report written by John Knodel, Vipan Prachuabmoh, and Napaporn Chayovan, gives an updated report of older people in Thailand. It lays out important insights on the situation of older people regarding income security, health, [...]

Strategies for an ageing world under a changing climate

This discussion paper highlights the impact of environmental and climatic risk on older people and the ageing world, and presents what strategies can be developed to address this issue. Language: English Published: HelpAge International, 2012 [...]

Regional newsletter

'Connect' newsletter no.8 is now available for download. In this edition of 'Connect' newsletter, we summarised COVID-19 related activities and emergency responses conducted by HelpAge and our network members in Asia Pacific region.
