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Primary healthcare for older people- A participatory study in 5 Asian countries

Comprehensive primary healthcare for older people represents a holistic approach that promotes active ageing, reduction and prevention of chronic disease with its attendant disabilities and dependencies, and improvement of the quality of life for older [...]

Pension coverage in China and the expansion of the New Rural Social Pension

The pension system is now being seen as central to the country’s social and economic policy and viewed as an important part of inclusive growth. The report summarises the development of the pension system in [...]

Overview of available policies and legislation, data and research, and institutional arrangements relating to older persons – progress since Madrid

This report is the first step in the process of assessing progress on the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA) since 2002, preceding the State of the World’s Older Persons Report of 2012. [...]

Older People’s Associations: Service directory 2012-2013

The OPAs service directory of Cambodia promotes mutual support, building advocacy alliance and raising voices for OPAs themselves, but is also an interesting source of information for communities and development partners. The publication provides necessary [...]

Older people in community development: The role of older people’s associations (OPAs) in enhancing local development

Older people are an asset to their families, communities and society. Their contribution as carers, advisers, mediators, mentors and breadwinners is invaluable, but frequently unrecognised. This publication focuses on how OPAs enhance and strengthen local [...]

Older People Association’s infographic – Asia

Older people associations are sustainable, self-managed, multi-functional, community led organisations which aim to enhance equitable and inclusive local development. The info graphic displays information on establishing OPA and enhancing local development through OPA building. Language: [...]

Ageing and the challenge of NCDs in low and middle income countries

There is need for urgent action to address the rising burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) for older people worldwide. This position paper advocates for a "whole life course approach to NCDs, which is inclusive of [...]

Establishing and management of older people’s associations – a practical guideline

Older people’s associations (OPAs) are community-based organisations aimed at improving living conditions for older people. They provide a mechanism for providing social support in the community as well as for facilitating and delivering projects and [...]

Community-based home care for older people in South East Asia

This paper outlines the growing need for community-based home care for older people in South East Asia. It explains the model of home care introduced by HelpAge Korea in collaboration with HelpAge International in the [...]

Building Community Organisations to Reduce Poverty and Vulnerability Amongst Older People and their Families in Myanmar

This is the final evaluation for the project Building Community Organisations to Reduce Poverty and Vulnerability Among Older People and Their Families (CORP), which set up the first 20 older people’s associations in Myanmar, called [...]

Regional newsletter

'Connect' newsletter no.8 is now available for download. In this edition of 'Connect' newsletter, we summarised COVID-19 related activities and emergency responses conducted by HelpAge and our network members in Asia Pacific region.
