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Age and security- How social pensions can deliver effective aid to poor older people and their families
The report focuses on social pension programmes (involving non-contributory pensions targeted at the poor). It sets out the economic and political issues, provides case study evidence (including the views of older people already receiving pensions) [...]
Protecting older people in emergencies: good practice guide
This good practice guide highlights the need for agencies to better understand and address older people’s needs, and to integrate their contributions into interventions. It identifies elements of good practice for age-friendly programming during emergencies. [...]
Community-based disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and emergency response for older people
The summary reports provides best practices and agreed action points for promoting disaster risk reduction (DRR), climate change adaptation (CCA) and emergency response among vulnerable groups by working through community-based institutions of older people in ASEAN [...]
Older People in disasters and humanitarian crises: Guidelines for best practice
Older People have specific needs and issues in emergencies situation however they also have valuable roles to play. The publication provides better understanding of the needs of the Older People in terms of emergency and [...]
Regional newsletter
'Connect' newsletter no.8 is now available for download. In this edition of 'Connect' newsletter, we summarised COVID-19 related activities and emergency responses conducted by HelpAge and our network members in Asia Pacific region.