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older people

Older people key to success in rebuilding Haiyan-affected communities

2017-01-04T05:54:11+07:00Tags: , , , , |

Older people have been key to helping 150,000 people recover from Typhoon Haiyan, says a new report released today by HelpAge International and the Coalition of Services of the Elderly. New skills have been acquired, stronger homes built and [...]

Typhoon Haiyan one year on: Older people key to rebuilding communities

2017-01-24T09:26:45+07:00Tags: , , , |

Older people have been key to helping 150,000 people recover from Typhoon Haiyan, which hit the Philippines in November 2013. New skills have been acquired, stronger homes built and farming diversified using global aid, to help communities [...]


2014-03-27T22:56:09+07:00Tags: , |

Care needs of older people While most older people are healthy and independent, some must learn to manage and live with chronic diseases or disabilities, and others have serious diseases or disabilities that require intensive care and support from others. [...]