Assessment of UNFPA’s piloted community-based model on care for older people (Summary)

2017-01-06T06:16:21+07:00Tags: , , , , |

Under the project titled “Prevention of domestic violence, addressing imbalanced sex ratio at birth (SRB), and care for the elderly” funded by UNFPA in Hai Duong Province and Ben Tre Province in Viet Nam, the Inter-generational Self-Help Club (ISHC) model was [...]

Critical choices in developing comprehensive policy frameworks on ageing in Asia and the Pacific

2016-12-26T08:16:46+07:00Tags: , , , , , |

This policy brief provides an overview on the need for countries in the Asia and Pacific region to put in place comprehensive policy frameworks on ageing, including laws, policies, action plans and other instruments. This is aimed at governments and advocates for ageing and emerges [...]

Ageing population doesn’t have to be a ‘time bomb’, Asia conference hears

2017-01-04T06:05:50+07:00Tags: , , , |

UNFPA Asia Pacific Regional Office published a dispatch from the first day of the Conference (1 September 2014), entitled “Ageing population doesn’t have to be a ‘time bomb’, Asia conference hears”. The predicted catastrophe resulting from the rapid ageing [...]