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So far helpageAsia has created 327 blog entries.

Older people’s associations in Asia: Strengths and key factors for sustainability and replication

2020-07-31T17:41:21+07:00Tags: , |

Older people’s associations (OPAs) offer an approach for inclusive, sustainable community development that actively engages the growing population of older people. In order to assess how effectively OPAs are meeting the needs of older people, HelpAge commissioned action-based research [...]

Access to age-assistive technology: A resilience building measure for older people (Executive summary)

2020-07-31T17:39:04+07:00Tags: , |

This is summary of the study commissioned by HelpAge International. The objective of the study was to explore the intersection between age and disability and the use of assistive technology (AT) by older people in both emergency response and as [...]

Access to age-assistive technology: A resilience building measure for older people (report)

2020-07-31T17:38:04+07:00Tags: , |

The objective of the study, commissioned by HelpAge International, was to explore the intersection between age and disability and the use of assistive technology (AT) by older people in both emergency response and as a tool for disaster risk [...]