
Older people’s roles in disaster risk reduction and management

2017-01-24T09:13:52+07:00Tags: , , , |

HelpAge International and Coalition of Services of the Elderly, Inc. (HelpAge-COSE) Typhoon Yolanda Response Programme recognise the vulnerability and capacity of older people in disasters. HelpAge-COSE's community-based disaster risk reduction and management activities included and trained older people [...]

World Bank video: Closing the health gaps for the elderly

2017-01-24T09:10:02+07:00Tags: , , , |

World Bank released a video with the same title as their recent publication "Closing the health gaps for the elderly: Promoting Health Equity and Social Inclusion in Thailand". The video presents the gaps of accessing universal health coverage scheme’s care system by the [...]

Communal garden managed by older people

2017-05-12T23:03:48+07:00Tags: , , , , |

HelpAge-COSE helped older people organised as a group or association. They trained older people and introduced age-friendly or disaster-resilient livelihood and other activities. Language: Filipino and English Published: HelpAge International and the Coalition of Services of the Elderly (HelpAge-COSE), [...]