
Primary healthcare for older people- A participatory study in 5 Asian countries

2016-12-26T13:35:58+07:00Tags: , , , , |

Comprehensive primary healthcare for older people represents a holistic approach that promotes active ageing, reduction and prevention of chronic disease with its attendant disabilities and dependencies, and improvement of the quality of life for older people. This study documents [...]

Older People’s Associations: Service directory 2012-2013

2016-12-26T13:44:57+07:00Tags: , , , |

The OPAs service directory of Cambodia promotes mutual support, building advocacy alliance and raising voices for OPAs themselves, but is also an interesting source of information for communities and development partners. The publication provides necessary information to all Cambodian [...]

Establishing and management of older people’s associations – a practical guideline

2016-12-26T14:04:03+07:00Tags: , , , |

Older people’s associations (OPAs) are community-based organisations aimed at improving living conditions for older people. They provide a mechanism for providing social support in the community as well as for facilitating and delivering projects and services. This publication outlines [...]