
Study on accessing healthcare by the older population in Myanmar

2017-03-17T11:35:57+07:00Tags: , , , |

This study analyses the health seeking behaviour and utilisation of healthcare services among older people. Further, it identifies and examines barriers to healthcare access along several dimensions including: availability, geographic accessibility, affordability and acceptability. These dimensions of accessibility are [...]

Ageing and the city: making urban spaces work for older people (executive summary)

2017-01-06T06:23:49+07:00Tags: , , , , |

This is the executive summary of a report that aims to stimulate discussion about some of the actions that governments and city authorities in low- and middle-income countries can take to build truly inclusive cities, focusing on three key [...]

Closing the health gaps for the elderly: Promoting Health Equity and Social Inclusion in Thailand

2017-01-23T19:45:09+07:00Tags: , , , |

The study identifies the gaps of accessing universal health coverage scheme’s care system by the Thai elderly population, focusing on utilization and financial protection aspects. Language: English Published: The World Bank, 2016 Size: 13 MB. Download     [...]