
Together in old age: Older people’s associations (OPAs) in enhancing local development

2017-01-24T09:22:09+07:00Tags: , , |

Older people's association (OPAs) are multi-functional, community-based organisations which are providing to be effective ways of improving the well-being of older people, their families and communities. This video reflects their experience in Asia (China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, [...]

Building Community Organisations to Reduce Poverty and Vulnerability Amongst Older People and their Families in Myanmar

2016-12-26T14:06:37+07:00Tags: , , , |

This is the final evaluation for the project Building Community Organisations to Reduce Poverty and Vulnerability Among Older People and Their Families (CORP), which set up the first 20 older people’s associations in Myanmar, called Older People Self Help [...]

Network in Myanmar

2017-07-20T13:49:48+07:00Tags: , |

HelpAge Myanmar Country Office HelpAge International established a country office in Myanmar in 2008. It has since been working closely with communities to develop multifunctional Older People’s Self Help Groups (OPSHG) and inclusive Village Development Committees (VDC) in the [...]