We provide governments, academic institutions, NGOs and older people information, technical training and support.

Community-Driven Development (CDD) Training 

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Registration is now open for this training!

This is a one-week training for development practitioners and others interested in community development. The course follows a participatory approach; utilising analysis of case studies and practice exercises, group focused learning and a reflective atmosphere. In addition, a full-day field exposure visit demonstrates practical applications and sustainability of the CDD model. Read more 

Training course on long-term care

Developed through a collaboration with the Asian Development Bank (ADB), HelpAge has offered a training course on long-term care systems since 2015. In the first two years, the four day “Developing long-term care systems for older people” course was held to provide participants a solid understanding of the essential considerations in developing long-term care (LTC) systems and the key policy and design decisions required.

In 2018, the training has been adapted as a training course and workshop for HelpAge and the Network on LTC systems as long-term care is a key emerging area of opportunity for our work in supporting the adaptation of societies and systems to population ageing.

This revised course targets at senior representatives from HelpAge Network Members as well as for staff specifically tasked with work on long-term care to build their capacity on this area. Read more


Past workshops and training courses

Workshop “Community-based social care: What is the role of the State?”


This workshop was held in 2015 by HelpAge International Asia Pacific Regional Office, in collaboration with the Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand to discuss the role of the state in promoting and expanding community-based social care. Find out more.

Designing and Implementing Social Transfer Course


This course was offered by the Economic Policy Research Institute (EPRI) and HelpAge International in partnership with UNU-Maastrict and the Institute of Development Studies. Annually held in Chiang Mai from 2008-2017, this short course has provided policymakers, government officials and practitioners with an in-depth understanding of the conceptual and practical issues involved in the development of social transfer programmes.

For information on the 2018 course, please directly contact courses@epri.org.za.