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So far helpageAsia has created 327 blog entries.

Older people join global campaign to raise awareness of growing prevalence of diabetes

2018-01-17T16:26:35+07:00Tags: , , , |

Older activists across East Asia and the Pacific region, from Mongolia to the Philippines, will today join a global campaign calling for the increasing prevalence of diabetes to be tackled through screening, testing, treatment and education. The actions, taking [...]

The Philippine Social Pension at Four Years: Insights and Recommendations

2017-02-24T16:26:38+07:00Tags: , , , , |

This report looks at the successes and challenges of the first four years of the Philippine social pension, studying the impact of the scheme and the methods of implementation. Language: English Published: The Coalition of Services of the Elderly [...]

Regional network

2016-03-15T13:54:14+07:00Tags: , , , , , |

HelpAge regional office Since 1988, HelpAge East Asia/Pacific Regional Office has been working with network members in East Asia/Pacific to implement projects, conduct research, develop capacity and raise awareness on ageing issues. HelpAge network works together on wide range of topics; from livelihoods to age [...]

Charter of Recommendations: a Report by the Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors

2018-01-17T16:28:30+07:00Tags: , , |

This charter of recommendations emerged from the Global Coalition of Social Protection Floors meeting at New Delhi, India (27-29th January, 2016). Twenty-five representatives from five different regions came together to talk with each other, to exchange best practices, to converse on the dilemmas [...]

Communal garden managed by older people

2017-05-12T23:03:48+07:00Tags: , , , , |

HelpAge-COSE helped older people organised as a group or association. They trained older people and introduced age-friendly or disaster-resilient livelihood and other activities. Language: Filipino and English Published: HelpAge International and the Coalition of Services of the Elderly (HelpAge-COSE), [...]