
About helpageAsia

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So far helpageAsia has created 327 blog entries.

Myanmar’s national forum on universal social pension held in Pyidaungsu Hluttaw

2017-03-28T11:52:29+07:00Tags: , , , |

On 16 March, 2017, a forum to raise the awareness among parliamentarians on Myanmar’s National Universal Social Pension Scheme was held in Pyidaungsu Hluttaw. The Government of Myanmar will be funding and rolling out the first Universal National Social Pension [...]

Older people’s associations: a briefing on their impact, sustainability and replicability

2017-03-20T16:59:34+07:00Tags: , , |

This briefing makes the case for multifunctional older people's associations to provide for inclusive, sustainable community development in Asia that actively engages the growing population of people over 60 as agents of change, rather than passive beneficiaries in their [...]

Study on accessing healthcare by the older population in Myanmar

2017-03-17T11:35:57+07:00Tags: , , , |

This study analyses the health seeking behaviour and utilisation of healthcare services among older people. Further, it identifies and examines barriers to healthcare access along several dimensions including: availability, geographic accessibility, affordability and acceptability. These dimensions of accessibility are [...]

The Feasibility of a universal social pension in the Philippines

2017-03-10T02:52:56+07:00Tags: , , , , |

Following the first report "The Philippine Social Pension at Four Years: Insights and Recommendations" published last year, this report focuses on the question of whether a universal social pension would be appropriate and feasible in in a country like the [...]

Universal social pension: Feasibility in the Philippines (infographic)

2017-03-10T02:57:19+07:00Tags: , , , , |

This is a summary of the report called "The Feasibility of a Universal Social Pension in the Philippines". The infographic consists of 5 sections presenting the concept of universal social pension, benefits and affordability in the context of the Philippines. Language: [...]

Work, family and social protection: Old age income security in Bangladesh, Nepal, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam

2017-02-14T11:54:09+07:00Tags: , , , |

This report provides a comparative investigation of the income security of older people in five Asian countries that have diverse contexts; namely, Bangladesh, Nepal, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. The report paints a picture of the multiple sources of income [...]