Centre for Human Rights and Development
Established in 1998, CHRD is a nongovernmental organisation with the purpose of promoting and protecting human rights and social justice in Mongolia. With a focus on human rights advocacy, human rights protection and community development, it strives to strengthen national human rights mechanisms and processes through capacity development, awareness raising, community driven processes and public interest litigation. In addition, the CHRD has established community savings groups with community groups throughout Mongolia. Upwards of 80 groups have been established with approximately 1000 participants that have been supported.
The CHRD has worked in conjunction with HelpAge since 2015, running several campaigns around the issues of health literacy, long-term care and palliative care, autonomy and independence, income and pensions. Ageism is another topic that the CHRD has been working on finding ways of addressing in its laws and policies. The campaigns have reached over 8,000 older persons throughout Mongolia.
In recent years, the CHRD has successfully advocated for a commitment from the National Human Rights Commission and the Government of Mongolia towards the rights of older persons. A joint government-civil society organisations Working Group was established to carry on advocacy towards ensuring non-discrimination and full enjoyment of human rights by older women and men of Mongolia. The CHRD’s participation at the UN’s Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing was well received. The CHRD is now part of the Global Alliance on the Rights of Older Persons (GAROP) and continues to engage in advocacy for older persons locally, nationally and internationally.
CHRD became a HelpAge Global network member in 2017.
Contact information
Room #1103, 11th Floor of Peace Tower, Peace Avenue-54,
3rd Khoroo of Chingeltai District
Ulaanbaatar 15172, Mongolia
Website: https://chrdmongolia.wordpress.com/
Mongolian Association for Elderly People
Established in 1988, Mongolian Association for Elderly People (MAEP) is an NGO working to secure the needs of older people. MAEP is involved in a variety of programme areas, including disaster risk reduction, health, environment, rights, social protection, social care and policy influencing.
The organisation also provides annual health checks for older people through the its health and social protection programme. MAEP has successfully advocated for a national social strategy on older people’s issues in Mongolia, which has been adopted until 2030.
MAEP became a HelpAge global network member in 2000 and took part in the global Age Demands Action campaign for the first time in the same year.
Contact information
Sukhbaatar district, Chinggis avenue -3,
6th floor of Mongolian TV building,
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Email: Maep_mn@yahoo.com
Website: http://maep.mn/cover/?lang=en