
Golden Aging: Prospects for Healthy, Active, and Prosperous Aging in Europe and Central Asia

2016-12-26T08:43:59+07:00Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

As populations age, public discourse ranges from concerns about economic decline and fiscal sustainability of pensions and health systems to optimism about opportunities for healthier and more productive aging. The main contribution of Golden Aging is perhaps to show [...]

Social Protection for Older Persons- Social Pensions in Asia

2016-12-26T12:13:27+07:00Tags: , , , , , , , |

Social pensions are an effective and relevant strategy for supporting older persons in Asia. This excellent book thoroughly details the importance of strengthening the systems of social protection in the region and related lessons and challenges. Case studies are [...]

ASEAN Strategic Framework on Social Welfare and Development (2011-2015)

2017-01-23T19:41:45+07:00Tags: , , , , , |

Not all older people are vulnerable, or need social assistance, however societies still have to be geared up to the challenges that this increase in ageing population presents and adapt social and economic policies accordingly. The Strategic Framework is [...]