
Ageing population in Nepal

2020-03-16T15:32:15+07:00Tags: , |

The information on the ageing population in this country is presented under three sections: 1.) Situation of older people, 2.) Key facts  and 3.) Government policies related to older people Situation of older people The number of older people is growing As of 2019, [...]

Network in Nepal

2020-08-03T17:18:43+07:00Tags: , |

Ageing Nepal Ageing Nepal is a non-profit NGO established in 2011 by a group of Nepali social workers committed to helping older people in the country. It does consultancy to develop research and workshops, and help guide policy on [...]

Social Protection for Older Persons- Social Pensions in Asia

2016-12-26T12:13:27+07:00Tags: , , , , , , , |

Social pensions are an effective and relevant strategy for supporting older persons in Asia. This excellent book thoroughly details the importance of strengthening the systems of social protection in the region and related lessons and challenges. Case studies are [...]