
About helpageAsia

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So far helpageAsia has created 327 blog entries.

Rural-urban gaps in health care utilisation among older Thais: The role of family support

2020-08-05T16:12:34+07:00Tags: , , , |

This study examined rural-urban differences in health visits among Thai older people. The researchers measured preventive health care use based on the question of whether the respondent had a health checkup, not due to illness, in the year preceding [...]

Network in Sri Lanka

2020-08-03T17:18:10+07:00Tags: , , |

HelpAge Sri Lanka Established in 1986, HelpAge Sri Lanka is a charitable non-governmental organisation working for and on behalf of disadvantaged senior citizens in Sri Lanka to improve their quality of lives.  Its mission is to raise awareness and ensure [...]

Network in Nepal

2020-08-03T17:18:43+07:00Tags: , |

Ageing Nepal Ageing Nepal is a non-profit NGO established in 2011 by a group of Nepali social workers committed to helping older people in the country. It does consultancy to develop research and workshops, and help guide policy on [...]

Network in India

2020-08-03T17:19:35+07:00Tags: , |

Gramin Vikas Vigyan Samiti (GRAVIS) Established in 1983, Gramin Vikas Vigyan Samiti (GRAVIS) is a NGO that works to support the development of men, women, and children, regardless of their caste, religion and economic situation. GRAVIS also works towards [...]

Network in Mongolia

2020-08-03T17:28:30+07:00Tags: , |

Centre for Human Rights and Development Established in 1998, CHRD is a nongovernmental organisation with the purpose of promoting and protecting human rights and social justice in Mongolia. With a focus on human rights advocacy, human rights protection and community development, [...]

Interview with Giang Thanh Long, National Economics University of Vietnam

2020-08-05T16:32:33+07:00Tags: , , , |

How would you describe the historical relationship between older people and their families, especially as concerns ensuring income security and material wellbeing? As the majority of older people, especially in developing Asia, are not covered by any social security system and their own income depends on [...]

Interview with Eva Sabdono, Executive Director of Yayasan Emong Lansia

2020-08-05T16:32:36+07:00Tags: , , , |

How do you perceive the eff ects of changing family structure on older people and communities in Indonesia? Indonesia, like most societies across Asia, is experiencing a shift from an extended family structure to a nuclear family, due to demographic changes. The reduced family [...]