
Network in China

2018-07-03T17:42:23+07:00Tags: , , |

Ageing China Development Centre (ACDC)  HelpAge has been working with partners in China for more than a decade to improve older people's financial security, healthcare and social participation. Our work in Shaanxi and Sichuan provinces aims to tackle the poverty, health [...]

Network in Myanmar

2017-07-20T13:49:48+07:00Tags: , |

HelpAge Myanmar Country Office HelpAge International established a country office in Myanmar in 2008. It has since been working closely with communities to develop multifunctional Older People’s Self Help Groups (OPSHG) and inclusive Village Development Committees (VDC) in the [...]

Network in Indonesia

2017-07-20T14:21:47+07:00Tags: , |

Yayasan Emong Lansia Yayasan Emong Lansia (YEL) was established in 1996 by the HelpAge network and became an affiliate in 2010. Their vision is an Indonesia with happy, healthy, active and independent older people and their mission is to [...]

Network in Cambodia

2019-02-08T15:25:10+07:00Tags: , |

HelpAge Cambodia In 1991, HelpAge International established a Country Programme Office in Cambodia. Its initial operation was undertaking humanitarian relief work in response to Cambodian refugees repatriating from Thai border camps before transitioning to community development work. Since 1992, [...]